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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Aluminum Die Casting Car Engine Oil-saving and Environmental Protection

Time:2013-9-20 Click:Second

Fuel is the main source of car power, and the total weight of the car directly affects the amount of fuel consumption. Reducing vehicle self-weight, i.e. reducing invalid load, can reduce fuel consumption and improve vehicle efficiency. At the same time, the decrease of fuel consumption can directly reduce the pollution of car emissions to the earth's environment. The relative density of light metal aluminium is only one third of that of iron. In order to satisfy the requirement of car lightweight, the application of light metal aluminium has been paid more and more attention by car manufacturing industry, and has gradually replaced a number of iron and steel materials.

As a very important part of the car power system, the starter is very suitable for the production of aluminium die castings in terms of its structure and data characteristics. According to data survey, the application of aluminium die castings in the world car industry has been increasing in the past 20 years. According to statistics, the total output of aluminium die castings in the world has increased by more than 3% annually. Of the total output of aluminium die castings, about three quarters are used in car production, among which the production of initiator accounts for a large proportion, such as aviation. Aluminum Die Casting Motor Shell Produced by Peak Die Casting Company. In the car industry, the development of aluminium die-casting application is the most outstanding in Japan. It is reported that the annual average growth rate of aluminium die-casting output in Japan is 6%, and more than 8O% of them are used in car manufacturing. In the early 1970s, many car companies in Japan began to expand the application of aluminium alloy in car starter, and began to widely use cast aluminium instead of cast iron to produce aluminium die-casting end caps and cylinders. Cover, intake pipe, aluminium die-casting motor housing, etc., and began a small amount of production of aluminium starter.

Cylinder block and cylinder head are the most important parts in the aluminium engine. Cylinder block is the largest part and the most complex part in the engine. The biggest advantage of using aluminium alloy instead of cast iron to make cylinder block is that the weight of the engine is greatly reduced, thus reducing fuel consumption. The main technology of cylinder block in the early stage is low pressure casting. With the development of technology nowadays, many enterprises have adopted high pressure die casting technology to produce. The cylinder head of modern design car is made of aluminium alloy.

The working characteristic of cylinder head in engine is that it operates at high temperature, which bears a relatively large thermal shock and produces a very simple phenomenon of stress convergence. In addition to reducing weight, the aluminium car starter cover has outstanding thermal conductivity. However, because the cylinder head is a kind of casting with complex inner cavity structure and uneven wall thickness, and the cylinder head inner cavity also has pressure sealing requirements, the technical requirements in the practical casting process are relatively complex, in addition to the traditional metal casting process and low pressure casting process. In addition to the casting process, the two advanced processes are the gasification casting process and the sand low pressure casting process.

There is also the piston in the engine. The piston is a very important component to transmit energy in the power system of a car. For piston, the data requirement is small relative density, good thermal conductivity, small thermal expansion coefficient, enough high temperature strength, good dimensional stability and so on. Aluminum alloy castings can satisfy most of the requirements, which can make the design of the engine reduce the gap between cylinder and piston, thereby improving the efficiency of the engine. So far, the pistons of car starter are basically made of aluminium alloy.

Generally speaking, in order to meet the needs of the development of modern society, the car industry is developing in the direction of safety, energy saving and environmental protection. Lightweight car body is one of the most effective ways to save energy, fuel and reduce public hazards. Aluminum alloy as the most typical lightweight material for making car engine components has shown considerable advantages. At present, the casting technology of car industry in our country on aluminium engine is still relatively backward, which can not match the development of car industry in our country, especially the current development situation of car production. Therefore, accelerating the application of aluminium alloy in domestic car engine is of great significance to the progress of car industry in our country.
This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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