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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

China's Precision Die Casting Industry is booming along the way.

Time:2013-8-13 Click:Second

At present, the investment casting and foundry industry is singing all the way in our country. According to relevant reports, the consumption of precision die castings increased by about 25% last year, which is higher than the annual increase of 18% in the whole country. It has already formed a demand of tens of billions of dollars in annual output value. All over the country motorcycle accessories, communications electronics, bathroom lock, clothing hardware and so on. Die casting industry is more and more favored by people in the industry.

Machinery, auto parts, communications, medical treatment, electronics, furniture, clothing, badges, etc. The vast industry has focused on the development of precision die castings. Zinc die castings have a large proportion, good casting performance, easy to form, and meet the requirements of product profiles and diversified structures. Such as: external teeth, fine teeth, etc. can be formed at one time. It can die-cast ultra-thin-walled to 0.25mm precision castings. The surface of the castings is smooth and non-magnetic. It can carry out various surface treatments: electroplating, spraying, baking paint and so on.

Non-corrosive mould, non-sticking die, good mechanical properties at room temperature and wear resistance. However, attention should be paid to the forming of zinc die castings: professional and one-stop technological processes such as mould, die-casting machine, die-casting technology, etc., in order to give more effective play to the design requirements of die-casting products. In order to reduce the quality disputes and reduce the cost of intermediate links, it is suggested that customers choose to have physical factories, mold development, product shaping, and quality control of World War I enterprises.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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