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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Basic Requirements for Die Casting Alloys

Time:2017-11-23 Click:Second

Die-casting alloy is one of the key factors in the production of die-casting. In order to produce good die-casting castings, besides reasonable parts structure, well-designed die-casting die and die-casting machine with superior technological functions, there is also a need for alloy with good functions.

The section thickness of die casting depends on the stress it bears and the strength of the alloy material itself. High strength is one of the advantages of die casting alloy. When choosing die-casting alloys, we should fully consider the use function, process function, use occasion, production conditions and economic factors.

The basic requirements for die casting alloys are as follows:

1) When the thermal temperature is not high, it has good fluidity, and is easy to fill complex cavity, so as to obtain castings with good surface quality.

2) Linear shrinkage and crack tendency are small, so as to avoid cracks in castings and improve the dimensional accuracy of castings.

3) Crystallization temperature range is small, shrinkage and porosity are avoided, and casting quality is improved.

4) Has a certain high temperature strength to avoid deformation or fragmentation when casting is pushed out.

5) It has high strength at room temperature to meet the production needs of large thin-walled complex castings.

6) The tendency of physical-chemical interaction between the metal cavity and the metal cavity is small, so as to reduce the mucosa and alloying each other.

7) It has good processing function and certain corrosion resistance.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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