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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Basic Requirements for Die Casting Alloys

Time:2018-1-8 Click:Second

The properties of the alloy include two aspects: service performance and technological performance. The service performance is the general requirement of the casting service conditions for the alloy, including physical, mechanical and chemical properties. As for the technological properties, according to the technological characteristics of die casting, the alloys used in die casting should have the following properties:

(1) It is easy to fill complex cavity with good liquid fluidity to obtain die castings with good surface quality.

(2) Sufficient strength and plasticity at high temperature.

(3) The shrinkage rate is small to avoid deformation and cracks during demoulding and to ensure the dimensional accuracy of die castings.

(4) The crystallization temperature range is small to prevent excessive shrinkage and porosity in die castings.

(5) less corrosive to the die cavity.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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