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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Investment Casting Mold and Die Casting Mold Market is Huge

Time:2018-5-22 Click:Second

China's investment casting mould not only attracts the top domestic customers, but also attracts the eyes of world-class automobile giants such as North American General Motors and Chrysler. Then, with the continuous improvement of mould manufacturing technology and technology, and with the strong price advantage of automobile oil chassis die-casting mould exported to Europe, the global economic recession in recent years, the future will be bright. Domestic investment casting die exports will also be high.

With the rapid development of automobile and other related industries in China, die casting die industry has also been promoted. In modern society, information is very precious for every industry and enterprise. It is also very important for the development of die casting die industry to vigorously develop information technology. Developing and making good use of information resources will enable production and operation activities to operate with timely processing, smooth circulation and high quality and efficiency.

From the macro policy, industry development, international and domestic market capacity, the international and domestic markets of large-scale precision and complex investment casting molds and die-casting molds are huge. More and more high-quality investment casting moulds are sailing across the sea. The common characteristics of these moulds are exquisite materials, excellent production, high dimensional accuracy, meeting customer standards, service life and casting quality reaching the international advanced level, and at the same time, they have obvious price advantages.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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