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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Multiple Factors Restrict the Development of Aluminum Die Casting Die Industry in China

Time:2014-5-7 Click:Second

With the increasing application of Al-Mg alloy die-casting products in the market, domestic Al-Mg alloy die-casting castings have developed rapidly in recent years.

In the current market situation, whether it will be constrained by some factors is also a matter of concern for many people in the industry.

Recently, people concerned said that although aluminium die-casting die products are sold well in China, it does not mean that they are sold well abroad, or that the foreign market has its special needs and different consumption habits from the domestic market, which is also an indisputable fact.

Mold experts believe that the main reasons that restrict the development of die-casting die industry in China are as follows: firstly, there are still many deficiencies in the use of raw materials in domestic die-casting die industry; secondly, the backward technology hinders the development of die-casting die industry in China; thirdly, the supporting system of die-casting die industry in China is not perfect.

These factors are the bottlenecks restricting the development of China's aluminium die-casting die industry. Only by breaking through this bottleneck, intensifying research and development efforts, and constantly adjusting the development mode, can China's aluminium die-casting die-casting die industry occupy a place in the international market.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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