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Aluminum Alloy Die Casting Factory

Difficulties in the Development and Growth of China's Foundry Mold Industry.....

Time:2015-7-31 Click:Second

First, although the importance of the foundry die industry has been recognized by more and more people, it has not yet reached its due height, so the status has not been fully rectified, the policy can not be fully implemented, the strength of support is insufficient, and the strength is insufficient. As for the characteristics of the die and mould industry, there are not many people who really know about it except those in the industry. In order to get more support, the propaganda task is still very heavy.

Secondly, compared with the international advanced level, there is a big gap in concept, design, technology, experience and other aspects in China's foundry mould industry. Generally speaking, we are still at the stage of following up and learning from advanced countries, lack of innovation, have not yet reached the stage of information-based manufacturing and management and innovation, only at the middle level in the world, and the overall level of the industry and international advanced water. In comparison, there is a gap of about 15 years, among which the gap in on-line inspection and information management of casting die processing is more than 15 years. There is a long way to go to narrow the gap.

Thirdly, the period of high-speed economic growth in China is nearly over, and it will show even moderate-speed trend in the future. Cost rise and profit rate decline will become normal. The binding force of energy and ecological environment will become greater and greater. Structural adjustment and transformation of growth mode are imminent. There are many variable factors in the world. Under this situation, the foundry mould industry should maintain stable growth and sustainability at a relatively high speed. Continuous development is very difficult, but it must be achieved. The industry is facing the solution to this problem.

Fourthly, the shortage of talents, especially middle and senior talents, has become an important bottleneck in the development of die and mould industry. Although we have made a lot of achievements in personnel training in recent years, there is still a big gap from the demand. China's demographic dividend is decreasing, and human resources will be tightened for a long time. Strengthening the training of talents to meet the needs, applying high and new technology, doing a good job in the integration of the two modernizations, developing informatization, standardization and automation in order to reduce production and employment are tasks before us. Although some of them are longer-term goals, they must be taken seriously.

Fifthly, SMEs are still facing difficulties in financing, increasing receivables, capital constraints, rising costs, and declining profit margins, which can not be better solved, but also continue to develop. Energy supply is tight in some southern provinces and cities, and industrial power consumption is still limited.

This article is organized by Foshan Jinju Qiwei Die Casting Co., Ltd., a die-casting manufacturer. The service hotline of aluminium alloy die-casting is 0757-25500218! Website: http://www.nbmt120.com/.




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